pictures from Iran and Israel too

Hi to all iranians and israelies who find it interesting to know each other. this blog will try to give you a little bit of visual information about your enemy. it seems there's a lot of ignorance but i believe we share the same wishes for personal success and national nuclear weapon. we can be great friends. kupablo

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ahmadinejad in Tel-Aviv

Not only we have to see his monkey face on the news, thanks to a real creative israeli advertisement Ahmadinejad is the new "star of Gush-Dan provience". (all rights reserved to Ehud Banai).

These pictures are from north tel-aviv streets, infact it's 2 blocks away from my place.
the sign says: "only good intentions". in hebrew it also means: "only good targets", in a sense that Ahmadinejad is right nowone of the most hated persons in israel and the most popolistic view here is that israel have to assassinate him. too bad he's full of shit and the real leader of Iran is Mr. Khamenei.

the blog would like to send speical thanks to Moran Rada who sent the pictures for me, you can do it too, you know.


Blogger Winston said...

That'd be great if Israel helps us change the regime in iran

6:51 AM  

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