pictures from Iran and Israel too

Hi to all iranians and israelies who find it interesting to know each other. this blog will try to give you a little bit of visual information about your enemy. it seems there's a lot of ignorance but i believe we share the same wishes for personal success and national nuclear weapon. we can be great friends. kupablo

Friday, January 05, 2007

Khamenei is dead, is that so ?

dear visitors,
unofficial reports says your no. 1 enemy (Khamenei) is probably dead.
the leader of iran is said to be suffered of cancer.
i will come back later with updaets
shabat shalom !
update 1:
"I just talked to my folks and my mom said TV is showing video clips and music. Nothing extra ordinary out there at 7:30 am of 5th of Jan, 07.And you know what, if the regime wanted to prepare the masses for khamenei's death, they had to ask people to pray for him just like the way they asked people to do the same for khomeini in 1989 and before he died. Nothing of this sort is going on inIran right now but I keep my fingers crossed..."
update2: Javad Zarif said "it has no truth in it".
so i guess he's not dead, yet.but he's probably dying, get ready for this.


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