pictures from Iran and Israel too

Hi to all iranians and israelies who find it interesting to know each other. this blog will try to give you a little bit of visual information about your enemy. it seems there's a lot of ignorance but i believe we share the same wishes for personal success and national nuclear weapon. we can be great friends. kupablo

Friday, April 13, 2007

Tehran Metro

most Israelis would be surprised to know that Tehran has a Metro, not as good as the old English one but that's better than nothing. i read that last monday Iran celebrated the "national nuclear day" and the metro was free. this is what they call the Muslim "kindness".

it has only 5 lines. here is the map:

and now take a virtual tour:

next year in Jerusalem. amen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, that's more than what we have underground.
Anyway, just a small corection: The Metro is the french version for the underground train. The british version is named The Tube. Just for the fun of it, I"ll add that the american name si Subway.


6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

next year in Jerusalem? they must be very fast. the one in Tehran took about 40 years to build.believe it?

2:58 PM  

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