pictures from Iran and Israel too

Hi to all iranians and israelies who find it interesting to know each other. this blog will try to give you a little bit of visual information about your enemy. it seems there's a lot of ignorance but i believe we share the same wishes for personal success and national nuclear weapon. we can be great friends. kupablo

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Babol University Protest

my fellow blogger kamangir wrote about the protest in Babol university in Iran:

"students in a small University in the northern province of Mazandaran started a protest against the oppressive policies of the Islamic Republic. While student protests are nothing new in Iran, this time there is something indeed new. In three days, students have started a blog and have managed to fill it with pictures and statements. There is also footage from the kidnapping of one of the students by the Police in the blog".

here are some pictures and some fresh faces:

click to enlarge

check out the guy lifting his hand at the right. ruff guy !

is this a press conference or what ?

long shot

i can't finish without expressing my solidarity with the students in Israel. i'm sure nobody really knows what they are fighting for but hey, i'm home, i'm blogging and i hope that someday university will be free.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least your students don't get arrested when they talk! nice blog

8:45 AM  
Blogger kupablo said...

last week they got arrested but it was for publicity matters mainly. the police is very hard with them and always use the elite unit to contrl their strikes.

it's not like in Iran when they knock on your door at 2 AM and take to jai,l but it's not an easy job here as well.

12:46 PM  

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