pictures from Iran and Israel too

Hi to all iranians and israelies who find it interesting to know each other. this blog will try to give you a little bit of visual information about your enemy. it seems there's a lot of ignorance but i believe we share the same wishes for personal success and national nuclear weapon. we can be great friends. kupablo

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Dress Code Plan - Bad-Hejabi

in the meantime in Israel. watch it ! watch out !

The police in Iran launched Saturday the dress-code plan, detain young women and men straying from strict Islamic dress codes.
According to state-run media, in the first day of the plan the police gave notes to 1,347 young people who dressed inappropriate, among them 117 got arrested. among them 58 went home after a short period while the rest will go to court.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One smart way for the government to make money. They should try this in Israel. a fine of $50 for anyone sitting in the beach with so much clothes on! why don't you put Lisa's picture here? only a little skin is visible, which is ok in Iran! :)

5:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.

5:05 PM  

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